
I've never been an Elephant 6 fan, so I don't know anything about Olivia Tremor Control except that I buy records from their bassist, but a lot of my friends knew Bill Doss pretty well, and I gather that this will put a pretty big hitch in their upcoming plans.  Sad.

I've never been an Elephant 6 fan, so I don't know anything about Olivia Tremor Control except that I buy records from their bassist, but a lot of my friends knew Bill Doss pretty well, and I gather that this will put a pretty big hitch in their upcoming plans.  Sad.

Braniac and Ultron
So awesome that Braniac and Ultron are on this list.

Most watched…
When I worked in a video store, I had a pretty solid rotation that I went through every week. Working by myself most of the time, I really developed a comfort zone. In this rotation were (don't make fun):
Star Wars (original trilogy)
American Movie
Hocus Pocus
Edward Scissorhands

Do Not Disturb
I can't be the only one that notice that the backdrop in that promo shot is just a re-carpeted Married With Children set, right?

I saw the kickoff show
I saw the kickoff of the tour in Athens, GA at the Georgia Theater. It was pretty much amazing. I talked to the guy who got booted during the "anyone who looks at Kely is a pedophile bit" afterwards, and apparently, it wasn't staged, but they invited him to the after party, and comped his

Thanks, Aqualad.

Zero Hour
Oh man, I recognized the description of Zero Hour right away. As a kid, that was one of my favorite stories. I first read it collected in Bruce Coville's Book of Aliens, which was awesome. Is it possible that the adaptation simply incorporated elements of other Bradbury stories? That's definitely not

Man, Crumb is an awesome film. I'm on board for just about anything that Terry Zwigoff puts his mitts on, though. One note though; it did not, as is commonly thought, end the friendship between R. Crumb and Zwigoff. They remain friends. Crumb wasn't a big fan of the film, but I get the impression that it was