it was touching when they sang the Seasons of Love pastiche
it was touching when they sang the Seasons of Love pastiche
Beatrice and Albertt's relationship is very sweet in spite of the insanity
consider the elephant, it never forgets
Laurie's house was exactly how it should be
don't sit in that Richard it's not a chair it's art
it will make you say I think I'm a clone now
hey that's my line
my makeup isn't tested on animals it's made of animals and also tested on animals
I assigned colors to all the letters
A is red
B is blue
C is 11
that's as far as I can go
I get to use my new trinoculars
I think you mean they're bi
me too
you were on Arrested Development and Veep have you ever made any shitty shows
whispers Larry The Cable Guy Health Inspector
what if my kid is really into SantaCon
I won that three years ago
jinx you owe each other a friendship
you are in an emotional state and when you are emotional you become highly inarticulate
well I don't say that's true
Amber Rose saying her vagina was Frasier because it was so dry was great
Alex noping out of the room the second she realized she told Phil she had snuck around was so great, as was Phil having a shocked expression for 20 minutes afterwards
the Keebler elves are real
Look what you guys built. You can't help but be elegant. You're like Audrey Hepburn
reverse genie wish denied
airports have become a sweatpants convention is maybe the most astute thing Manny has ever said
oh neat my suggestion was chosen , if the Goody Two Shoes cover is good I take full responsibility if not I don't