
You poor as shit, no search engine having, hand job prostitute

Denise at least had a personality for about 30 seconds

I thought it was "libertarians can be stupid assholes"

I'm an acquired taste, like gazpacho or that free U2 album

I read a book too about journaling Lea Michelle wrote it there's a lot of blank pages it's pretty much a journal

What's up with you Furiosa?

Scoops? What is she four years old

it said you kissed your brother
it was only a dream

I would never think of Sam/Lindsay as a pairing but it was perfect

Joe went from a baby to being able to tie his shoes too quickly for me

I loved Clive calling out that Liv went from being a basketball expert to not knowing a legend in a week

Mary Phelps Jacob once showed up to a party naked on an elephant, she was very cool

It's not in the spirit of self-made Americanism as espoused by Russian weirdo Ayn Rand

this light took me everywhere, the shire, sweet valley, Terabithia

my wife and kids died in space
I thought kids weren't allowed in space
I smuggled them in

the same person who forms a band called Not Penny's Boat in 2015

Jimmy offhand knowing who created the binomial nomenclature system for dogs is the most Jimmy thing ever

zombie killer qu'est-ce que c'est

New Mexico still has Spanish Pueblo and Methamphetamine influences

she's seriously bonker balls
Heather we don't use terms like that in abnormal psychology
bonker balls isn't in the DSM-5 yet?