
Jack Black shredding the Mission Impossible theme song because it was top secret was a good bit at least

lunch is gonna be dumb as hell, race talk snacks

1981 wow that takes me back to before I was born

Maybe Liv ate a valley girl's brains and we just didn't see it, regardless Liv as Melody/Melanie was great

those must have been some expensive model airplanes if 34 of them was half of the week's budget

Lily calling Haley an idiot was great

I think C-Czar is also capable of murdering everyone, maybe him and Cassandra could do it together

first rule of brain club is you don't talk about brain club

Phil was able to either watch Shawshank Redemption or IMDB it immediately so the apocalypse can't be all bad

I can't dress in your clothes and go in your place you know I want to
you want to go in my place or you want to wear my clothes?

congrats to Liz on probably making partner, thanks Trackanon

Throughout history, asskickers have always known carpentry. Jesus, Harrison Ford

I like to imagine that once the Kroll show universe ends a new universe begins where Cassandra is queen

the Boyz4now sticker on Tammy's computer was a nice callback

you two are the worst thing I have ever seen and I'm including the bomb sniffing dog who humps all the bombs

I was so convinced that Sean relapsed and od'ed, very glad I was wrong about that

I was just laughing at Jar Jar Binks, the funniest part of the Phantom Menace

I wonder what kind of animal blood is in that bucket, probably rat blood because it is Charlie

I want this place to be farm to table, I want Joaquin Farmix sitting at a table