
We are straight digital yo. There is the occasional doctors who gets frustrated with computing and bitches about going back to paper charts.

Personally I don't use them, but most of our doctors do.

I work in IT in the healthcare field and we still use pagers. They are quite reliable.

I'd pick season 1, but just by a hair.

Jenny Craig
The jason alexander/jenny craig commercials should be wayyy more towards unbearable, they are fucking insufferable.

Did you stream it to your TV or computer? How was the quality? I've been fairly impressed with the Netflix HD streaming quality, but I always have 4 bars with my solid internet connection.

Punching cows and horses is hilarious. Skinning them and seeing their pink, lifeless remains on the ground is also hilarious.

I nominate Paul Dano to play Elliott Smith if there was ever an Elliott Smith biopic.

She had a bangin', kinda chunky body though. I would gladly look past all the tears and hit it.

I live there.
I live in huntington and jamie helped save my life.

My alma mater - Katie Lee Joel.

I hate that Orianthi song. Those little cheesy 3 second guitar solos sound exactly like this toy guitar my nephew got at dollar general years ago.

I'm gonna watch this in the next couple days. I liked the Host a lot so I have high hopes for this.

I might download it for free.

the scientist
I might be alone, but I thought Katelyn was great. There is a difference between slow and boring, and she was connected to the song and I liked her playing the piano. I like her curly hair too.

It was basically saying just let haiti be and quit worrying about them.

@ a apple


equals singing like Adele.

We started getting yuengling in WV last year and I can get a 6 pack for around 5 dollars.