
Dopey-looking large minister guy looked like Shrek.

this reminds me
of Lorenzo's Oil, which was mandatory viewing for school kids in my school system. It was later replaced by Remember the Titans.

Pheasant hunting is big in SD. Drove through and stayed at a comfort inn that had a sign on the door that said "Do not clean your birds in your room."

A month ago or so Spike showed Band of Brothers all day on a saturday and that is definitely the longest I've ever watched Spike.

this was good
but the Montana episode last season was pure poetry.

hands down
the best voiceover ever is in Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy. It's on netflix streaming.

Yeah, it's perfectly harmless.

yeah that's right
I bought it..

Never seen it, so I don't know if you are joking or being serious?

Being a rat owner in real life, I always cringe when they are used in movies or TV shows, but they didn't bash them too much in this episode. Great episode all around though.

It says January 1st, 2000. Barely counts.

According to wiki We Are the Romans was released in 2000. Fucking love that album

I'll be in your town tonight for my sister's b-day, tom.

Please come to WV, it's awesome.

This was my favorite line of the night. Kevin delivered it with such conviction.

That's crazy, I live in huntington and go to ashland semi-frequently. Can we be BFF's?

tomwaits, do you actually live in huntington, wv?

One time Albini called me an asshole on a poker messageboard.

How were Pavement not trying?

Also, not a fan of Mike but he likes City of God, No Reservations, and Reese's cups.