
Laurine sure likes the f-word.

Pillars is one of my favs of all time too. My friends and I would listen to it in my room when we were around 16 and at the time I had this really schizophrenic cat. We called Pillars her "fight song" because as it was playing it would put her in a trance and then if you went around her she would spat and hiss and try

Colbie smulders had a baby in May so she was probably pregnant when they taped this episode.

Chicken tetrazzini.

@ master blaster

I was also excited for the return of Gail's TATTIES!

I recorded something off TLC called the "World's Strongest Toddler" and I was ridiculously excited but the recording ended up being fucked up.

After playing nazi zombies on world at war the other day I was thinking "they should make a movie about nazi zombies." This is exciting.

I've never heard her actual voice since the only thing I've seen her in was Fried Green Tomatoes where she talked with a southern drawl.

I liked it. B+

HIFTBSO gets a pass just for the song "Pillars" alone.

If you are seriously worried about watching realistic volleyball action, watch a real fucking volleyball game.

Oh. That's dumb.

What's a septic?

If one is sleep assault, I need a new suggestion.

Damn I had missed the part about Boris. That really makes me want to see this.

Now that is a show I could get into.

I also noticed the lack of growth during his audition and hollywood week. This is a mystery we need to get to the bottom of.

Dress sexy at my funeral, my good wife.

I thought anoop did a really, really good job and it was a pleasant surprise. I thought the judges would give him more praise than they did, but I'm proud of him.