
Not much DS9 when both episodes are strong and very TNG-character-centric.

Limbs can be regrown; it's mentioned in DS9 (and actually happens to a major character at one point).

Girl Hitler survived the tigers and became leader of Underland at the end of Love-Bheits.

I didn't think Inquisition was meant to make us doubt Bashir, I thought it was another "Accused of a Crime he Didn't Commit!" story. Someone's clearly framing Bashir, so the questions are who, and why.

DS9's Ferengi episodes are still really hit and miss. There are great ones like Little Green Men, or The Magnificient Ferengi, where the humour works, and then there's Profit and Lace or Emperor's New Cloak.

That article about "fixing" the season misses the point. The Silurian 2-parter wasn't bad because it failed to tie into a season-long theme, it was bad because it was boring and cliched. The season as a whole was massively better than the previous 4 not because it was tied together well (although it was), but

"Does he have some sort of power himself that explains why they don't just frigging shoot him?"

Nope. British seasons are shorter than American ones, and at 13 episodes Doctor Who is longer than plenty of others.

Are time paradoxes a big part of the show?

The fleet at the end of S5 of DS9 is one of the first times that the ship numbers start to make sense.

"But killing him off and then having Amy forget about him seemed kind of cheap, and just a trick to get Rory out of the way without any consequences."

In the Confidential episode they said the reality where Amy was pregnant was Rory's "reality." I took it to mean that the rural life where he was a doctor and Amy was pregnant was Rory's wishes.