
It's funny how defensive meat eaters automatically become. JSF's not the least bit preachy or pretentious in this interview, he actually comes across as fairly even-handed. What he's saying is "Think about it." The fact that there's so many kneejerk reactions to such mild criticism kinda sorta reinforces his point,

Jim O'Rourke
…is dope as fuck.

but yes. it's the ramones and it's not even close. consider:

if the art is transcendent enough, the intent doesn't matter. i'm an agnostic (or as colbert sez, "an atheist without balls.") and the whole religious rigamarole really depends on whether the artist is or isn't, to put it plainly, a hack.

i fucked the partial shit out of somebody once. we never spoke of it again.


cardio for indie rockers and AV club commenters - both missing the point, and flailing wildly.

cardio for indie rockers and AV club commenters - both missing the point, and flailing wildly.