
Can they undo Botox there?

"Amazing 3D Effects" on a stage show? We really do live in an age of wonder.

Anyone notice how well he telegraphed that he wanted in the group hug non verbally? I said to myself "He's going in."

Except Heroes gave us a decent first season.

Axehead lager at 11% and 2.50 for a 40 oz. As an experienced drunk, one puts me in a good spot. And maybe it is an aquired taste from all the drunken goodness it has brought me, but I think it actually is a good tasting beer.

Peggy Hill
Every central character on that show was flawed with redeeming and /or likeable traits(maybe not Luanne). But man she rubs me the wrong way.

that said KOTH is a great show, missed the title.

I don't think there is a chacter I hate more then Peggy Hill.

Pink floyds Echoes over the Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite part, Pink Floyd turned down an offer to do the music for the movie and though they deny it, imho it works better then the movie soundtrack. It seems like it is a movie score, not a freak occurance like dark side and wizard of oz. http://video.google.com/vi

The battle issue vs Kid Miricle? How could that not be reprinted? There is way more grusome things out. The graphic birth would be the one that would have the puritanical censors up in arms. I just want to read the conclusion, Gaiman has it written or atleasrt outlined some of the art is done-its like 3 or 4 more

@ the welsh- it a van halen album-google is ur friend

i envy ypu digifreak

now that u mention it, i thought the same thing, then put it out of my head because it seemed unlikely. who knows maybe the put a call out for a random fat native/hispanic girl and she came twice and nobody noticed. really does anone notice the fat girl.

That wasn't a 12 step meeting. Those have a chair which rotates week to week but not a group leader. It looked like a therapy session to me. Therapy sessions usually have waiting lists and an assesment before people join. Seems like as lot of work to push meth. Maybe it was a poorly done NA meeting, but cmon this

@taxxlaws wesgt coast reveiwer

ty san pedro and peruvian torch

completely missed that, nice