Dr. Freudstein

No, Mr. Murray, Dr. Freudstein views horror-centric sites as the domain of halftards and rewits. Dr. Freudstein simply holds you and the other writers here to a higher standard. So that's … a compliment?

Dr. Freudstein thinks you are wrong. In fact, Dr. Freudstein thinks you're wrong about a great many things, especially The Last House in the Woods review.

Dr. Freudstein is in the same boat with Zombie, and is wondering why he bothered to pre-order if it weren't going to be shipped until after the release date. As it stands now and since Mon., it's been 'Shipping Soon'. Dr. Freudstein is not a fan of vague status.

Dr. Freudstein is perplexed by the lack of review for Lucio Fulci's Zombie (Zombi 2).

"Hey, it's my Kung Fu professor!"

If we're going to compare anything to Bay of Blood/Twitch of the Death Nerve, it ought to be Friday the 13th Part 2, which lifted at least two murders virtually wholesale.

Dr. Freudstein agrees.

Dr. Freudstein thinks it a near masterpiece with nary a casual or careless shot in the whole thing. It's technically brilliant.

Dr. Freudstein never really understood the criticisms of many Italian horror films as being plotless. While they may not be particularly strong narratives, they're far from being completely incoherent in that the audience should have enough information to understand the events unfolding.

Dr. Freudstein insists you rectify this immediately. Deep Red is a high watermark of the genre.

Ahem. I do believe the plural is 'gialli'.

Oh my. I had no idea such a beast existed. For the second time in my life, the internet has proven itself useful.

Would you please write it off, McMutt? I figure that way, at least, the show could be reviewed by someone who isn't a twat*.

"and in My Bloody Valentine, a cop’s bushy mustache"

Considering Chinatown isn't available on Blu, I'd say no.

Yes, at least until a new technology comes along to replace 1080p televisions/projectors.

Brown 101
After having only a passing familiarity with them throughout the '90s, I was sold hook, line, and sinker after hearing a show from '00 a friend dumped on me. Soon after their catalog was purchased and consumed (thank you, mj and post-college unemployment!). I don't give a fuck all about accessibility, but

Bless you, Mr. Adams, for having eyes.