
my bad, I thought you were talking about "Things.." which many people derided as a PF ripoff when it came out even though the script predated it.

except that it was written before PF came out.

yeah, as soon as I saw "Treat Williams Random Roles" I was hoping you'd asked about Critical Bill. Love that he had plenty to say about it. I know some people feel the movie is too over the top but I love it. So many great elements to the script and all the language. And the cast, top to bottom, is just the tits.

Tin Men
Danny DeVito and Barbara Hershey….couldn't get past it through the whole movie.

I HATED this movie, BUT
..even though it seems right up my alley. However, objectivity may be a big problem because right before entering the theater I found out the girl I was seeing it with (as a friend) was stalking me. Just imagine watching May under those conditions.

"Think About the Epileptic Dog" is my fave.

excellent - one factual error though
Great run-down of Albert's career. The Richie Havens incident happened in San Antonio though, not Houston.

I believe Huey's status as the Milton Berle of rock came straight from the Plaster Caster herself.

excellent piece
This is a really excellent piece. As both a musician and long time fan of the 70s Pink Floyd stuff it resonates a lot with me. I've struggled myself a lot with a love/hate relationship with popular music and even though The Wall was huge for me, being a depressed rocker who was in high school when it

Hell yes Heart is fat….that's exactly what came to mind for me when I saw this inventory

Hands on a Hard Body
so glad to see this mentioned. I'm gobsmacked that this is still unavailable on DVD. It's an unforgettable docu.

obviously she is too old for him within a few months

Wallace's death not only made me cry, it made me sob, snotty nosed like I've never had anything do before or since.

+1 on get a new agent. He might be suffering from his weird name too. He should change it to Badass Motherfucker or something.

no way
I call BS on the Bible entry. Tons of awesome literature, art, music and movies all come from the Bible. It's inexhaustible. Plus your own argument is idiotic. Don't make bible movies because they will draw controversy and it's not worth it? what?! that's just stupid. Nothing sells tix like controversy and who

he man woman hater
so am I the only person that thought it came off as misogynist? I know using that word is bomb-throwing which I don't mean to do. My basic take on the movie was that it was stunningly brilliant but also exhausting and horrifying. But one of the things that felt really icky was how this character is

AV Club
used to be awesome. Now it's embarrassingly shitty.

"Bitches, leave!"
I just fell in love with Donna

you couldn't write this stuff
listening to him talk around his gargantuan blind spot through his bitterness and delusion is delicious. awesome interview.

Control Room
'Control Room' is one of the best docs I've ever seen. Big fail for missing it completely. 'Fog of War' on the orphans list? c'mon people.