
I choose to think the coffee bean near where the apostrophe should be is, in fact, an apostrophe. 

I just wish Ringer was as good and fun as the episode titles. 

In a few years, you will enjoy rewatching Angel/Buffy almost as much as you enjoyed it the first time through.

Slings & Arrows by a mile.

Downton series 2 is 8 episodes, not 7.

Does anyone out here in Podmanity listen to a movie podcast by the name of Double Feature? It's probably one of my favourite podcasts. Just curious.

File me under the "Yes, please review this weekly" camp.

1 in 5
Will yelling "1 in 5, motherfucker!" (or something like that, that's what I remember it being) was pretty damn awesome. And is still my favourite Will moment of the series.

I enjoyed this podcast because people talked about Kings. More people should talk about Kings.

Freelance editors
Do you guys hire local freelance editors to do proofreading/copyediting, and if so, will these jobs be mentioned somewhere here?