Clitoris Rex

Ho-lee shit
Any fears about this show being the bees knees have been allaid. ALLAID. So good I'm big-wording over here.

Ho-lee shit
Any fears about this show being the bees knees have been allaid. ALLAID. So good I'm big-wording over here.

You Missed…
Demon Knight
Judgement Night
The Crow
Mortal Kombat

I'm an audience, and I'm not sick of the Alien movies…

I'm not sure they made him out to be a rapist, I think that whole DVD scene was just some pros improvising, and Steve Little just hit gold with that raping-an-elderly woman run he had.

The puke was great, but I was already dying from Stevie responding to the hot latin chick when she was talking to Kenny. "Heyyyy" "Oh I just got in today"….

It might be a drug thing…just sayin…gone for a few months…"working on music"? Come on, that just smacks of rehab.

AVC should have called this interview
"Talkin' Owls with the guy you all fucking hate."

"…and that is why I am better than everyone in the world. kiss my ass and suck. my. dick. everyone."

And the fact that the show has an expiration date is a big win. I hate watching shows run themselves into the ground after starting off amazingly (BATTLESTAR), its like they keep doing it as long as they get paid to do it…makes sense for a whacky situational comedy, but when you're building a narrative and you keep

You, buttfucked me Cassie.

For all the "AV Club is a bunch of hipsters" idiots

Eat Pray Love…
More like Eat GAY Love!

The difference between Lady Gaga and Robyn is that this is GaGas first time around, and Robyn's second. I think she belongs in a class with Kylie, who makes "disposable pop music" or whatever you want to call it, but she's still very distinguished, and has been at this for an extremely long time. Not quite flash in

Human Centipede fuckin SUCKED

I think Alien 3 takes the cake on using the word "fuck".

I'm waiting for the third film in the Trilogy…to be called "Spinderella".

I remember watching this post-college (where it blew my mind the first time) and thinking "god damn, a lot of this is shot like a bad lifetime movie…what was I thinking?". I LOVE when the AV Club validates my opinions. Its the best.

Wait a minute? Alien 3 is boring?? The script alone is worth it for all the genius uses of the word "fuck". And it has Roc!

I attacked Alien: Resurrection as an Alien fan, I had no idea who Jeunet was, but I remember thinking…christ everyone in this movie is weird looking and there are all these weird funny/absurd moments, like the guy in the chair's shotgun duel with an alien and the captain of the ships weird salute after he bowling