Clitoris Rex

Shit yeah the MGM ride!!! There was an animatronic Ripley standing in a corner all sweaty and scared and then BAM! Full size Alien jumpin up yer butthole. It was amazing.



This will not be a first.

"Hey buddy you whacked your noggin!" was my favorite line from THE MEXICAN (we're doing the all caps thing whenever we reference that film right?)

Stockholm Syndrome
Much like your sister, I was once in a work situation where I was forced to listen to nothing but Paramore for hours and days on end. I didnt just have to listen though, I had to read their livejournal, look at their videos, and accidentally learn everything about them.

"Slow" for the win. You can hear her licking her lips in that song. An important detail.

What does he say? "I drink from the volcano?" that movie is going to just get better and better with age…

YES! Not for nothing, that shot of him realizing his chest is about to explode in Resurrection might be the best of the whole movie…its all..Jeunet and shit.

Hey its that guy!
The guy who yells "quiet on the set!" its that guy…the one who killed the bad guy with his own chestburster in Alien Ressurection! That guy? Guys?

That Site
Is THE WORST. Seriously world, stop making fucking swirly flash sites that spin around pointlessly. I was ready to listen to those things, and gave up after the whole site went all gravitron on me.


Hudson sir, he's Hicks.

Speaking of Movies With Shitty Characters…
Anyone ever seen "King Rat"? I don't know what the point of it was, or why I even watched it, but that movie is NOTHING but shitty and awful people being shitty and awful.

The best word I have ever read in an AV Club article

Yeah its in the book. I could be wrong, but I think it was his buddy Jorge Calderon who was talking about it.

Sorry to be all "Guy Who Read The Book" and shit, but the song is about a street. Carmelita Ave in LA. I think he was referring to a part of the ave where junkies would go and score…making the song so much more devastating because he doesn't even have a real woman to cling to. He's singing to a goddamn

Me too gad damnit. Especially the clipse line "I though ugghhcckk meant yes". This is pretty good if you know anything at all, about rap, at all, ever.

Daaaad is great…
…he gave us chocolate cake!

I totally was! I would run around telling kids at my daycare how fucking sweet of a song "one night in bangkok" was.