Clitoris Rex


Again, this hipster shit doesn't really stick…

oh no i didn't…


Haha, just go to one of their shows…or find a youtube video…and finger someone whilst watching. Everyone wins!

Through computer speakers…NOT a dance song. LOUD, or LIVE…definitely a dance song. Actually, everyone just buy tickets to see Hot Chip live now. I've never not had a blast at a Hot Chip show.

what, no mention of SLIVER? My dick is still mad at me over that one…

Nice job
I was really impressed by how this was written. Nice work.

"My next movie will be also basketball, you'll be surprised too"
Its like he came from a country where "all your base are belong to us" is the common language.

"Good Statement, Steve" when I read that, I was so happy for the interviewer…he has Tommy Wiseau saying his name like a line from the movie…on tape. Uh yeah, not sure what I'm saying anymore, reading transcripts of Wiseau talking has me thinking like him.

Forst? Dicky Nickels?

Ha, saw him practice this last Wednesday in Brooklyn. It was fuckin hilarious then, as it is now. Great job Eugene.

his would probably be that malort shit

Arnie was the original, Devito was the leftovers.

Agreed. MORE D.O.C. And the fact that Quik was left out is almost a crime.

DJ Quik
Sweet Black Pussy was a breakout hit.

I think a real Chelada is pretty great, but one thats pre-mixed…in a can…might not be so pleasant. I'd still drink it though my craving for tomato and alcohol in the mornings is quite powerful.

Its no bloody mary
but it will do early in the hangover morning

Didn't Billy from predator run for like…city council or something…

Saw an extremely cranky Subtle show in Jersey but he had every right to be cranky. The crowd was heckling him telling him to kill himself…so he threatened to skull fuck them. I don't blame them (he was running around stage pulling sporks out of a skull and throwing them) or him (they were a crowd of full-on Jersey