Pirahna Bindu

I have a friend who speaks like that. She's tone-deaf as are a few other people in her family. She's worked really hard to put some inflection into her voice, but it's not easy. Just something to consider.

But don't freak out if the Viagra doesn't work. My husband got a sample for our weekend away without the kids a couple of years ago. It had zero effect on him. Lucky for us he doesn't need it, but as I'm multiorgasmic, he was curious as to how long I could go if he could stay hard for hours. He doesn't react to a

Well, depending on what she's feeling guilty about, that book is going to be pretty useless. It's all about how to have successful polyamorous relationships. A friend of mine was considering exploring that lifestyle and wanted me to read it so we could discuss it. I have no problem with anyone who chooses that

I had sex in my high school library. Everyone thought I was such a
good kid, the librarian let me stay after she left to help my boyfriend
work on a paper. We did eventually get the paper done.

I've had to initiate sex at the beginning of most of my relationships. I'm somewhat introverted, so the fact that I have a raging libido apparently isn't something I project outwardly.

I'm a big fan of Dick. He's one of my favorite authors. But he's more of an idea man than an accomplished novelist. PDK never edited anything and it often shows. Editing makes or breaks a movie.