
I think the series has traveled so much in the grey areas of humanity to be so black and white. It may be a matter of Jacob vs. Smokey, but I don't think it's so clear cut as GOOD/GOD vs. EVIL/DEVIL…and if it even is, I think they're making it a little more complex….

To Temple Extra: don't you think not only that, but many life events changed the whole structure of the series (not to get to off topic on a Lost thread)??? I really think he's just one of those writers, not necessarily a bad thing, his sense of writing, technically, could be called brilliant, but he just lets it flow…

Me too. I'm not gonna spoil it either, but it might just be one of Stephen King's stronger if not more memorable endings. Usually he drops the ball big time. If you listen to the official Lost podcasts, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have dropped hints to the Dark Tower series a few times, more so during last season…

Seriously, fools??? There's a SMOKE MONSTER in this episode. Just sayin'.

kalling you out, by the way…

You're right about the semantics of the name, but you need to read past Wizard and Glass…after King's accident, it became a much different series…

You're pretty good at making friends, aren't you???

YOU CRAZY. Pretty sure he said Leslie Arzt.


Ahhh…got shot by Kevin Costner in Silverado

Who has read Stephen King's Gunslinger series??? The Man in Black is Roland Deschain. Jacob is trying to get him through to salvation, giving him the "horn", but he just can't quite get it….