
"Luanne, there is no Buckley's ghost. There was barely a Buckley."

One of Dale's absolute gems.

I thought it was "toaster leavin's".
And who could forget Bundy Iced Tea— the rusty (and crunchy!) dregs flowing from the kitchen tap?

Rainbow is an absolute gem on this show. I find myself waiting for her lines, laughs and reactions with anticipation, because they're often so funny. She's the breakout here.

Yes! A fairly literate reference for a sitcom. Nicely done.

Running gag: hilarious misuses of "Foucault" in place of the F-word.

I remember watching when AD won that raft of Emmy awards in 2004… my tears of joy mixed with shock that the TV establishment would recognize such genius.  I remember thinking, "Well, that was nice, but anything this hilarious and oddball CAN'T be renewed for another season."

Who's that man behind the curtain
His kiss will make you certain
Of the one name you'll be blurtin'
During lovemaking…
Kelsey!  Kelsey!

As that Bond sequence progressed, then degenerated into him doing odder and less Bond-like things, I cracked up.

Amen.  Seriously, these aren't real people, folks.  They're characters.

"The Native Americans have always believed that burning sage keeps away bad energy…"