bobo chimpan

I watched the DVD, then watched the featurettes, which made me want to rewatch the movie… and I kept on thinking that I would, but it was just too weighty an undertaking until I finally sent it back to Netflix. I'll watch it again if I get a chance to see it on a big screen, missing which was a HUGE regret this year

It's actually kind of edifying to know that fans of redheads feel the same way about Katrina's hue as I do… unless we get a bunch of defenders crawling out of the woodwork… no? OK

I bought the loop after some thought… but would a river still look the same from colonial times to present day?

I bough to all of your punmaking skills (an AI from Big Blue couldn't match them, though maybe one from Giant Redwood)

Plus Katia Winter w/ black hair!

There's a big screen TV in EVERY ROOM of the spiderhole!!!

They had major issues, but worked through them and were happily back together by the end of season 3

Once again, Lockhart plays voice of the audience

Cast Lincoln as Dr. Strange!

Yeah, I've also noticed that fans of the comic are a lot harder on the show than I am. Last week's made sense, since it was based on a story from the books. Learning how much they nerfed Constantine's anti-hero-dom helped me understand the animus. This week? Thought it was a fun enough jaunt. Solid C at the very worst.

Didn't you watch The Wire!? ALL THE PIECES MATTER!!!

even "voopa voopa voopa" has a vaguely sinister cast now…

Gas him with Pax?

Does the reviewer not recognize that Lincoln is being converted into a gorram Reavper, or is he just being cagey about it? Much cagier than the show itself?

drug addicted and brutalized and who knows what phase III might be…

brainwashing requires consciousness, so not May

Every thing Enver did on that show showed off his range. Stuff getting cross-wired and him getting the party-girl persona was my favorite thing in the whole series.

Yup. Immediate "Oh, Skye's mom!" recognition.

Denisof's first MCU character:
1) Unrecognizable as him under all that makeup
2) Dead

The one and only time I liked Indiana Poochey was when Jenny showed up at his boat and was like WHOA sexy flirting with him. So, here he is with two sisters, one of whom he has a crush on, one of whom he has a past with (that might not be entirely in the past) and… nothing. nada. zilch. Not even a hint of background