bobo chimpan

Lousy is taking it a bit too far.

upvoted for "blond Zeppo"

…yeah, fair enough

Oscar's a red meyer weiner

I keep trying to make Pakistani Paul Ryan happen. Should I give up on it? Is it just not happening?

Charlie tied a weak-ass knot. Must not have paid enough attention in his Earth-skills or whatever class. He was in a hurry to moot Bellamy and Finn's debate ("I'll just rescue her while you're arguing whether we have time to rescue her") is my head-canon justification. Still, that knot really sucked, and somebody

My eyes were rolling, actually. The leg brace and the chess piece both felt to me like something out of the first story somebody might make after taking a writing class and learning "there are these things called symbols, see, where physical objects represent concepts… and you can use them in your storytelling! It's

Yeah… I was just waiting for that fence to fry someone

See, I watched that entire scene with a growing sense of dread. First I was thinking of the newly electric fence, then I was thinking of fascist lady giving the guard orders to shoot to kill. They were in a much more dangerous situation than they realized, and everything seemed to be going so well… my stomach was

"You must be one of those people that did not like the first season until cap 2"

I think people like Skye better this season because she has more relatable hair

On my journey through this dimensional plane of reality, I've encountered quite a few energy healers, reiki masters, animal chiropractors and yoga teachers. Only a few of them are completely scattered and loopy. Very few of them are actually toxic narcissists. That's the stereotype that doesn't quite ring true for me…

Especially since it would have been SO EASY to have her not wearing it. Then a quick scene of her pulling it out of a pocket or something and putting it back on once she has made the decision to go back (ideally while Ichabod was voicing over about her dark and secret heart)— ADDED PATHOS!

Google 'misophonia.' My sister has that and she spent our childhoods yelling at me for swallowing too loud

six hours later and nobody has had the guts to touch that third rail…

Ah! That explains it. I coulda sworn I heard it buzzing something about a TV in every room…

My immediate thought on seeing Brody:

I liked how each of them remembered their own family crisis being what interrupted the morning rendezvous. Like each of them was so distracted by what was happening with them that they didn't notice that the other was also going through something.

I wasn't fond of Athena's cartoonishness either, though it does make sense considering that we're seeing Alison's version of the woman who abandoned her to travel the world. Also, the cartoonishness seemed to soften and grow more subtle as the episode went on.

Yeah, I was going to add a second paragraph about how ambivalent I am about the phenomenon, then decided I'd leave it off and trust one of my fellow AVClubbers to pick up the slack.