bobo chimpan


So… it's like the electoral college if electors also served as state senators?

Well, if they hadn't taken the week off in the middle it would've aired Halloween weekend. Dark clouds over the cemetery! CyberZombies rising from the grave! It's a Halloween episode, delayed.

I applauded the screen when I realized who the lone remaining Cyberman was. I will even admit to tears. Well earned salute, Brigadier!

As much as I didn't think Kate was really dead, it was still a shocking and effective moment for me. And it set up the best moment of the episode, so I'll let it slide.

The tea act actually lowered taxes on tea. The popular idea that the Boston tea party was in protest of higher taxes is a myth; the colonists were upset over the crown meddling in their affairs without their input, and over the Dutch East India Company becoming a monopoly. This is my latest favorite slice of pedantry,

I was thinking, while reading this review, how the show's/The Doctor's evolving view of soldiers reflects an evolving cultural view. I mean, back in the 60's it was Vietnam and people spitting on soldiers, calling them baby-killers and the like. The Doctor had a low opinion of soldiers, and the writing of the show

The fact that the woman read her name indicated that she was not. I don't remember how that part got resolved, actually…

Yeah, I started with TMR after years of listening to other bands it'd influenced (U.S. Maple, anyone?) so it wasn't quite as overwhelming to me as others found it. Still haven't gotten to any of his other stuff, though, so maybe it was…

Well, between Kane monologuing/philosophizing about how they shouldn't need such harsh punishments and him having Abby taser-whipped, there was the whole incident of the near-riot where one of the Jaha Campers tried to steal the guard's gun and ended up shot dead. My understanding was that Kane changed his mind when

After the earlier Star Wars reference, I was half expecting Clarke to say "I didn't kill my wife!"

It's OK, I've been doing this for years and Disqus still confuses/annoys the crap outta me. Plus your observations are valuable and worth repeating. Welcome aboard!

Yeah, it seemed like there was a new set of rules (the "Exodus charter," different from the old rules of everything is punishable by death) already drawn up for when they went back to Earth. Seems odd that they'd have it planned that far in advance, but I guess they didn't have much else to do up there?

I buy it, and I find it terrifying

I got a sense that it was both: Reav—er, Reapers collect live Grounders
(which is why Lincoln's people were so keen on stopping the Reapers
before they reached the caves), deliver them to the Weathermen in
exchange for some kind of medicine. Then, when the Weathermen are done
'harvesting' the Grounders (*shudder*)

What IS the dating scene like inside a Nine Inch Nails video?

Bustier? More of a corset, I thought. And the skinny jeans were skinny… *leather*… um, jeans…

After he saw how useful it was, he went out and took a Red Cross class post haste. That's my gloss. Especially since the look on his face while surfer-dude was resuscitating Abbie was pure "what manner of sorcery is this!?"

The shot of him praying in the middle of nowhere was the one that had me thinking, "There's no way this kid makes it out of the season alive. He'll die tragically as an object lesson on the amorality of the spy business." But I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon either. Until his uncle gave him the kiss of death.