bobo chimpan

My Cool Story Bro story is amazingly lame, but here goes:

And Alison has an almost Simpsonian overbite


-a child drowning
-another child faking a suicide
-a rebellious teen with a possible eating disorder and a (non-white) best friend straight out of rehab
-some kind of criminal investigation, either a murder or an accidental death
-some kind of smuggling operation going on in the background
-small businessman trying to

When they were talking in the bar it suddenly occurred to me how we were watching two English actors trade fake American accents

Actually, True Detective and The Affair have very similar structures (so far). Never noticed until this pointless argument… so I guess it's not entirely pointless after all!

Noah does so have a care in the world— whether or not his son thinks Mark Twain is a racist!

I took that as the detective lying. Like the whole letting the person
take a break, then hang out with them in the parking lot, reveal
something personal to build trust was actually part of the
interrogation. I half expected Alison to call him on it, as cagey as she

I noticed Skarosa… thought it was an odd reference for a Cybermen ep

Not just an existing heaven. She was tricking people into believing she was GOD

This! Yes! I completely disagree with Alisdair on this. For the first time the show got to slow down and expand into its setting, stretch its legs, spend some time with new characters, rather than charging headlong at crazy NuWho pace. It felt much more like the Dr. Who I fell in love with in the 80s than the

The laser screwdriver pisses me off with its mere existence. The Master's weapon of choice is the TCE! Tissue Compressor Eliminator! It turns its victims into little macabre doll versions of themselves!

Captain Rani!

I just remember hearing somewhere that due to the massive current human population, there are actually more living humans than dead humans. Some factoid about there are more people on earth now than in all of recorded history combined. Typing it out like that, it sounds fishy…

I totally missed the music cue… possibly drowned out by my gasp when I saw the logos as eyes

"…and now I must team up with my hated enemy The Doctor in order to defeat them and save my own skin, although the whole time I'll be plotting some way to turn this to my advantage!"

He would team with the hostile alien race, use them as pawns in his world-domination scheme, think that he had them completely under his control… then every time be shocked when they turned against him.

You didn't catch the window foreshadowing?

glad I wasn't the only one annoyed by that. Pedantic sticklers unite!

The awkward way she mentioned her ethnicity made it immediately obvious she was the villain. Then the more John and Zed looked at other people, the more obvious it became. I admit I started shouting "It's the fucking WIFE! It's so obvious!" at the screen when they went off to find the priest. Straight procedural