bobo chimpan

Constantine's relationship to Liv was a good deal more avuncular, so I guess they wanted to have a sidekick with more sexual tension. The writers and director responded with SO much sexual tension every single scene where Zed and John were talking looked like they were about to make out. Maybe they'll find a happy

OK, I *just* watched "Tombs of the Blind Dead" (Portuguese, btw, not Italian), then looked up the sequels on Wikipedia, so this joke was perfectly timed for me

NY to DC is totally doable, just hop a Chinatown bus and…

You'd think a missile would have a better guidance system (at least that's what "Spies Like Us" led me to expect), but maybe Jaha didn't have time to access it… that's my gloss and I'm sticking to it.


Yeah, I found myself yelling at the screen, "Give her something to bite down on! For God's sake!"

Gorram Reav—er, Reapers!

Does the show have to be TRYING to make a statement in order to make it? Products of culture reflect the beliefs of that culture, whether the creator is aware of it or not. If we don't examine these beliefs and assumptions, then we accept them. Uncritically. Pointing out problematic beliefs or assumptions in a work of

Yeah, and I've heard from other sources that he drowned. So much for my comprehension skills!

Agent Thumb Dislocastein

There was also a brief mention of el Chupacabra. I watched this right after the first ep of Mike Tyson Mysteries, so my brain is now full of Brock Sampson saying "they're all over Mexico"

Uncanny bit of casting there. I didn't even notice it until the last scene, when suddenly I was wondering if the actor actually WAS related to Brown.

I was just trying to think what it is about the quality of his voice. It's not merely the baritone of it. It's the resonance, but what it the word to describe it? It's weirdly adenoidal and throaty at the same time. Pinched yet smoky? Phlegmy, almost. Is that it? I can't pinpoint exactly what it is about his voice…

I'd prefer Karen Gillan and John Cho be given a better starring vehicle, for chrissake

They're the elite who secretly rule the world, which makes US the ones with privilege? What're you, a Gamergater?

The bit with Saul trying to keep 'eyes on' at the airport was pretty tense viewing, I thought. Just waiting for the disaster, wondering from which direction it would come…

I'm feeling pretty alone in that I liked Liv AND I liked the bait and switch of "here's a sidekick… NOPE!" I thought it was a pretty bold and clever writing choice, so I'm disappointed to learn it was actually a retrofit

pfft, I was into Tunguska back when it was getting name-dropped in Ghostbusters… before Thomas Pynchon made it the next big thing and all you poseurs came along

Some people think of her as scarf-girl with the inhaler. I like to think of her as inhaler-girl with the scarf. That's totally multidimensional! Every female character must be defined by two separate quirks… isn't that the Bechdel test?

The previews did show a brief shot of inhaler-girl with 4's scarf…