bobo chimpan

Casper the Friendly Growth!

I was wondering the same thing… to the point that she seemed very sinister. Part of me expected her to pull a knife or turn into a wolf or or or…

How does having an interesting discussion about the nature of mental illness that we wouldn't otherwise be having hinder critical thinking?

I think there's a difference between an adult human deciding that medication would improve their life, with an understanding of the side-effects and trade-offs, versus parents giving their growing, developing children drugs to make them easier to handle. Any critique in this episode is of the latter— see girl acting

Clarke was quarantined in Mt. Pleasant? We're sure it wasn't Columbia Heights? I guess it's possible, since with Lincoln taking Octavia to meet Lincoln we've established we're around the DC metro area, but the highest elevation in DC is actually Ft. Reno (where apparently Clarke showed up in time for the Night of a

would you have preferred the cleavage?

That video makes it clear that the fist to the ground is due to the legs not having enough give to absorb all the momentum, so the fist must take some of it or else the face would.

too late, May beat us to it

Is the actress actually THAT tall, or was some of it heels? The scene where she and Simmons were walking down the hallway she was a full head taller.

"You know being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were
my greatest enemy, but all along you were my best friend. The surge of
emotion has shot through me when I saved your life, taught me an even
more valuable lesson: Where Caroline lives in my brain."
" Goodbye, Caroline. You know,

Don't forget Jenny flirting with Irving last season…

As a couple of people have pointed out, the reference to "the party" could be a red herring too— possibly actually referring to a later party.

That was one of the moments where I wondered if Alison's memory was making her mother-in-law more bitchy than she actually was, because that was a CRAZY pointed "your baby died because you were careless" jab.

I realized that pretty much immediately… due to my pervy old-man crush on Julia Telles. I liked her mentioning that she was a dancer— Bunheads semi-shout-out plus semi-justification for Whitney's apparent eating disorder!

oh, good catch!

I found Ruth Wilson's shaky American accent distracting at several points. And as I said above, her heightened poetic language rang false for me. I wonder how much those two things reinforced each other…

I think the show is setting us up to expect it's either Cole or the father-in-law (especially since it seems like Cole is smuggling something— drugs?), which has me thinking it's neither. Plus no way would they hire Peter Bishop only to kill him off.

There are novelistic touches to both sides. Noah's feels more like a traditional Updike/Irving tale of infidelity. Alison's feels more like a more contemporary novel, except for her voiceover which seems almost romance-novel-esque, especially in how odd it is to imagine her talking that way to a police investigator.

The beginning of this episode made the answer of that pretty clear, if only in my mind. While Noah is telling the investigator that he wasn't thinking of Alison at all, the flashback was showing him borderline obsessed with her. To me, that says that what we see is memory, and any voiceover is storytelling. So the

Oh is THAT what she said? I missed that due to the BLARING SOUNDTRACK, along with half the rest of the dialogue…