bobo chimpan

The smaller mainpage version of the Beck picture looks a bit like Thurston Moore, so I was expecting "Contre Le Sexisme" from "A Thousand Leaves" to be on the list… though I guess that less misleads than sets a tone. If you listen to the rest of that album skipping the first track, you realize it's all a lot less

See also Rodan's "Rusty"

another name for a 'large mallet,' btw, is a sledge hammer… another great sight gag.

Capaldi's face framed by the toy-sized TARDIS was the greatest thing I've ever seen. Quickly supplanted by the same thing held by Clara. Quickly supplanted by the finger walking TARDIS-crab bit. So many great sight gags this ep!

I think I'm getting better

"I like impossible moral choices in drama, but I get very frustrated when
a situation is too obviously contrived to force a character to make
such a choice"

Fara didn't overdo the seductiveness, she overdid the arm touching. Which is understandable, because that was basically the only pointer they gave her: "touch his arm!" So when things started going south she clung to that like a drowning person to a lifesaver. That made it creepy instead of seductive.

Noah had a pretty significant day too, though, what with one child pretending to hang himself and another almost choking to death…

there's that, and there's also that her version came second. it felt like it was correcting all the mistakes from the first half. she got the last word. I had to keep reminding myself that she could be getting things wrong too.

don't forget Lisa Miller! and Peter Bishop! (whotf is this Pacey?)

right down to who offers the other a cigarette and which one of them talks about him 'finding' her on the beach. it's pretty great.

There were all the references to "it was so long ago" and "that was the first year" that I'm getting the feeling one season will only cover one year. Especially since the first ep only covered one day. Dunno how they're going to stretch out the framing device without it getting ridiculous, but at this point it seems

I thought Julia Teles was pretty great in "Bunheads," but that could be partially because I forget to breathe whenever she's on screen. Feel like a dirty old man admitting it, but there it is.

Oh ish! I totally missed that!

I was thinking during the opening credits that "Homeland" now pretty much only makes sense as an ironic title— that in the name of "homeland security" we have people not defending the homeland at all, but futzing around in foreign countries making us less secure.

I didn't think there was much ambiguity at all as to whether the sexual energy was intentional. Carrie was the one who told Fara that it was like a seduction. Fara didn't do such a good job of it (overdoing the arm-touching in a way that freaked Aayan out) (in her defense probably because she didn't have much

I always thought she looked good, though they've gone from trying to disguise it to accentuating it… I have no complaints

hmmmmm… I hope you're right about that

Hard light holograms… is Dr. Who ripping off Red Dwarf now?

I was really enjoying the episode. Fun. Certainly it held together sense-wise better than last week's shambolic mess of hand-waving duct tape and plot-contrivance chewing gum. OK, at first the idea of the Orient Express! in Space!!! seemed irredeemably silly. Then it was revealed as a trap to bring together a specific