bobo chimpan

First Daario, now Cal… Michiel Huisman is going to be cutting a swath through all the hot SF&F babes in coming years, just you wait!

Dat's da johke…

She was trying wayyyyy too hard, is what gave her away

That wasn't a short story. You just described a major subplot of Orson Scott Card's "Xenocide."


Half of Stan's scenes inspire Woody Harrelson's voice in my head talking about the detective's paradox or whatever it was

We are the CITs so pity us
The kids are brats the food is hideous
We're gonna drink and smoke and fool around
(We're nookie bound)

I saw him play Hamlet and Peer Gynt in my youth, among other roles. So I always get a kick out of seeing him on screen. He was in a TV movie version of Steven King's "IT"

You couldn't root for them capping Contras? I sure could!

GLOW WORM! How I remember those commercials…

a price I'd be well willing to pay

Larrick is more what Ollie North would imagine himself to be… minus the homosexuality, I'd wager

Yeah, I was wondering that myself… maybe a rewatching of the season would clear it up…

I mean, I get that Scarlet is the bigger star, so they wanted more scenes with Cap and Black Widow… I just fantasize about a first draft of the script, before the bean counters came in, where it was Cap and Sharon on the run and Romanoff saving the day at mission control.

"…maybe it will be a character that is more important than Glenn Talbot.
Maybe it will be Man-Thing. Maybe it will be Danny Rand. Or maybe it
will be some background character from Captain America #322."

"What a whiner!"

Was I the only one who saw the cops writhing on the street as Skye drove off? It looked like Ward kneecapped 'em or winged 'em instead of straight cappin' 'em…

I really hope that's not the case… I almost made that accusation, except that would have been an actual spoiler rather than a possible crypto one

I sure hope so… chilled me to the bone, that one did

Didn't you know? "kittentits" is officially the worst term of endearment ever uttered