bobo chimpan

I'm glad someone else made this point before I had a chance to make it, but further down the page so I got the chance to make it before I read it and realized I could just agree.

Did you just almost call your girlfriend "the rapist?"

More of a "I missed a week of The Bugle for this!?" than anything else

The scene with Margaery… she went in to seduce him, then realized that he was just too innocent for that to work. I suspect the next time she comes back she'll have two kittens for him.

From the noobs' comments:

Unlike all the big beardy dudes, Locke's all small and weaselly. The fact that he looks like the guy who would be cowering behind Samwell when trouble shows but he's actually a badass fighter makes him all the scarier… at least to me

Jojen was NOT looking well in that ep… nobody in the frozen north-of-the-wall should be that sweaty.

Reek! It rhymes with freak! You have to know his NAME!

Rewatch the end of the scene (in episode 2?) where Ramsay shows off Reek to Roose, it pretty much explains what the guy's up to there…

I found it interesting how the Experts review spent a good chunk praising the visuals and the direction (the lighting especially), while the Newbies review dismissed the episode as visually bland. I tend to agree more with the former. The episode might not have been the most exciting, but it sure was pretty.

Yes Ser— Milady

Well Olive, that should be our little secret

Sansa smelled like heart trees

And Hodor will be his Hand (Catspaw?)

That was my thought too. She does have a chip in her head, UnKrieger just lied about it to cover up for the fact that he didn't know about it. So she didn't just have to believe in herself, she actually did need a microchip.

I did a little "Golden Company are now show canon!" whoop

What? No! That was pork! Coldhands could totally find pigs north of the wall! SHORT pig dambit!

PS, if someone (inevitably) creates an Abradolf Lincler account, will you two be allies or rivals?

TW, of COURSE! Love it. I'll have to track down that interview.

That wasn't Ellaria's butt… not unless she has cat spine.