bobo chimpan

I managed to catch some of that over being distracted by how great her shirt was. (Seriously, DAT SHOIT!) Like the fact she has different music playing in her head for each clone. I'd love to find out the specific songs…

I never noticed how good Cosima's posture is until I saw Sarah in her coat with her perpetually slumped shoulders. It gives new meaning to the cliche of actors 'embodying' their characters.

The way she was throwing elbows before the spray even came out has me convinced she takes regular self-defense courses, which makes such perfect sense for the character.


Bogart spent the first decade or so of his career exclusively playing villains and today he's remembered as a leading man. It would be great fun to see Gleeson play against expectations— comic relief, action hero, romantic lead. On some level I'm sad we'll never get to see him surprise us.

Supposedly he's giving up acting to become a scholar. He will forever be Joffrey, with no other roles to spoil the illusion (unless you count the kid in Batman Begins)

Oh, idiotking is just winding you up. As we all know, the series will end with Hodor on the iron throne

The Big Smarty, voiced by Patrick Stewart. A reboot of a 60s Inspector Spacetime villain who animated a horde of robot Sasquatch and invaded Toronto through the RT

I just watched this, largely due to AVClub recommending it… and the pilot was so stupid it made me angry. The characters are good, but the actual mystery was like a moldy hunk of swiss cheese. The bit with the rice was clever, sure. OK. But… no, no… I'm not going to go off on an angrynerd rant, just… SO! MUCH! STUPID!

I just watched this, largely due to AVClub recommending it… and the pilot was so stupid it made me angry. The characters are good, but the actual mystery was like a moldy hunk of swiss cheese. The bit with the rice was clever, sure. OK. But… no, no… I'm not going to go off on an angrynerd rant, just… SO! MUCH! STUPID!

I hear it in the voice of the Great Intelligence…

"So, what did the polygraph say?"
"What do you want it to say?"

If an amateur tried using that wig, they could hurt themselves! These are trained professionals, kids… don't try this at home.

I'm looking forward to seeing Lucia's ass in the near future.

I wonder if Oleg's anatomical suggestion reappeared later in the evening…

I think that Oleg's angle from the start was to get Nina into bed. If not primarily, then at least secondarily. Now he 'has' her (in his mind at least) he'll be a lot easier to fool. I suspect that when the smoke clears, Nina will be the last one standing… running the Rezidentura and feeding the FBI false information

A- stands for "Ass." Ohhhh, Nina

Agent Snake McTriplecross!

because it would be a very short fight and end with the death of my favorite ocelot