bobo chimpan

With the way Cherlene's outfit get skimpier with every episode, I fully expect her to be in a denim g-string and gingham pasties by the end. And I am disturbed by how OK I am with that.

My issue with that line: then why is she doing all the coke to get/stay skinny?

I just rewatched season 3 to prepare for the new season, and that was one of the things that stuck out (especially having just read the bit about her brother)

It's easy to get caught up in the flow and forget that not everybody here is assumed to have ready all the books… which is why I'm currently devouring ADwD

Kings landing is part of the Crownlands, where the bastard name is Waters. Gendry Waters. I don't recall him ever being referred to as such, though; he's always just Gendry.

When Dany and Missandei met in season 3, Missandei explicitly stated that she had no surviving family… I guess she might have been lying, but why would she?

I don't mind this so much now that I'm more caught up on the books, but could people please remember to mark the book 4/5 spoilers? People in this comments section are only assumed to have read through the end of SoS!


I'm about a third of the way through. This book should have been called "Throwing Yet Another Three Dozen Characters at the Wall and Seeing Who Sticks."

I'm glad they put in the Book, which was a nice little grace note in Jaime's story that I really liked and worried wouldn't make the transition to the screen.

selling seafood?

much less horrified hiding behind pillows, much more jumping up and down and high fiving

I'd have to rewatch it, but is it possible that he got cut at some point during that fight and we won't see how bad it is until later?

It's a shame Oberyn and Loras won't get the chance to hook up… unless the series wildly diverges from the books

Edmure's still in the dungeon, so that line would have to go to his Uncle Blackfish (taker of the best-timed pee break in history)

Gendry is the name of the handsome bastard blacksmith… if I may post that without being accused of SPOILERS!

I taught at a Yoga studio in DC where the studio manager was (Make*Up/Weird War bassist) Michelle Mae. And Jenny Toomey came to my Saturday morning Vinyasa class when she was in town. DC is truly the land of the free-range rock star.

I misread that as "ethically-sourced revenge porn," which was a REAL headscratcher…

oy, Dia… the set she did with Katie was superhot, then she went nuts. Or decided to stop pretending to be remotely sane…

Possibly because contracts that forbid people from working anywhere else without guaranteeing regular work are grossly illegal.