It is a right sentiment no matter who says it.
It is a right sentiment no matter who says it.
They're an above-average classic rock band. It's interesting that one of their songs is called corduroy because that is what the band reminds me of. Shitty yet dependable last resort.
I hope it was sarcastic, which would make my first and second ever comment pretty stupid.
This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, AV Club.
Last year the old guy in the picture above released one of the best albums of his very impressive career. The old guys he's hating on haven't released anything worth shit in like forever. Even if you stop laughing for a minute and hypothetically agree with professional music critic Mara Eakin's opinion about the…
As my first comment ever, I'd like to apologize to Matt Pike for having to listen to this bullshit question: "You don’t even like “Crazy,” “Amazing,” or “Cryin’”? The great trilogy from the ’90s?"
Hey Matt, y u no like gonorrhea, diarrhea and syphilis, the great trilogy from the 90s?