
"Big Water Ding Dong", in the parlance of the article.

You're thinking of Forest Whitaker.

"What's a good username? Something that'll shut 'em up before they can make a counterpoint or bring up salient facts. I know, "The Truth"! It's like calling no criticsies but before they even critic! Jerks."

It's a lot less challenging than a Year 10's greeting to his classmates that has stuck in my brain for 22 years:

I thought it was a hot rod artist.

I use a 30-30. Purists will argue that the .308 150gr is optimal but I think it's too expensive for what you're getting. We're not in the Serengeti here, you don't need (much) stopping power.


Works for wine!

It's cool, I was mostly being facetious. I say HbtN fits that category and therefore is the best.

"Hallowed Be Thy Name" or gtfo. I'm sorry, I love my fellow AV Club metalheads but if that's not your favorite Maiden song then you are wrong and Eddie will eat your soul.

There's a pecking order around here, folks!


Agent Scruffyface Tousletop

My favorite Aw Fuck:

does he also say "uno, dos, tres, it's on!"

aka "sympathy for a dick who abuses his godlike power"

I'd have gone with "cast Mick Mars." Plus that way you retain the undead angle!

… "None one new [something] in mine or your head"

Oh, real nice, Dan, way to be insensitive to pie-gender issues.
