Kate McCabe

I'm just here to hate on Manny. Can't stand the character.

Even though she botched some cues and eff-bombed in the monologue—Kristen Stewart won me over. Solid episode. Sean Spicer was fantastic. Melissa McCarthy, never stop.
But for me, it was Totino's for the win.
Find your Totino.

Genuinely surprised at how well-reviewed this film was. No complaint about Portman's performance…but the film felt overlong at its comparatively (for Oscar bait) short running time.

Love her. Can't wait til she's in my neck of the woods for a live gig again. I got to boogie on stage once with her (she pulls up audience members a lot, it seems). Dream come true.

AV Club to squirrel toon: Deez nutz!!!

Love Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings. They're amazing live and listening to this album makes me super excited about they next time they swing into my neck of the woods.