
So, Archer is coming out of the coma?

Actually, I was going "ooooo" because it was a running gag on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show. Every time Salvador Dali was brought up, a picture of Dali would pop up and we'd hear someone go "oooooo".


The comic ends when all the walkers decide they're bored with this eating people bullshit and move to Aruba. Everything seems to get back to normal…until The Shadows come.

~Have no fears~
~We have stories for years~


Then, the British and French double cross them and take over. The second Revolution begins!

I'd like to know what would happen if other countries decided to invade during our Civil War.

Guess that made "No on is alone" and "Children will listen" all the more poignant

Dammit, Kenny!

And, after hearing her in Grease 2, you can tell she does

Lovely! And I instantly confused Volatile Games with Volition Games, which makes the Saint's Row series.

BTW, your insight is pretty spot on. May I quote you for my video project?

"Because Namco" is all I can think of. I mean, just look what they did with Soul Calibur 5. The only thing I liked is they allowed you access to all parts in Create A Soul.

Don't….bring up…that…storyline!

There was a gross Nintendo cereal back in the 80s that tasted like puke. Never again. No more novelty cereals.

Yeah, Grease 2 got a lot of play in my house, along with Eddie and the Cruisers, which was a cure for insomnia, in spite of Michael Pare. Streets of Fire fucking rocks, though.

Will there be an orangutan?

You're welllllllllllllcome

Why not bring it back in cereal form?