
I own the Very Milky Christmas 2000 comp with said rap track. Who wants to hear it, and what will you pay me for it?

Really proud of seeing my hometown's NBC affiliate on here (WREX-13). Way to go, Rockford! I'm so, so, so glad I don't live there anymore.

For my money, it doesn't get any better than 24 Hour Revenge Therapy, Dear You and Orange Rhyming Dictionary—aka the Holy Trinity Of Schwarzenbach. Those albums are 100% perfect. The other two JTB records didn't connect with me nearly as much, and the Thorns Of Life were just all right, but holy hell was that

I own 80 of these already. This makes me cool, right?

Pro wrestling was definitely consumed on the sly for me. I don't even think my parents would've cared, but I was still embarrassed that I liked it, and would keep the volume super-low if they were in an adjoining room (and would change the channel entirely if they even came close to entering the room I was in).

I know Kylesa toured with Pinback for a week or so in 2008, and that is certainly a pretty odd pairing—I wonder if that's the band she was talking about? I'd be bummed if so, as I love Pinback and certainly wouldn't consider them "terrible."

This band kicks so much ass. Paul Walker is one of my favorite albums of 2013.

Seriously? 300-plus comments and not one person has pointed out that September 31 is not a real date? For shame, AV Club.

Riot Fest was awesome, in spite of the rain on Sunday. (Nothing organizers can do about that, and they did let people bring in umbrellas, which was nice.) Food selection was incredible and surprisingly affordable; you could eat your fair share of carny food or go for some higher-class options (holy shit Jeni's ice

@avclub-443045f15458192a36c5dc5806c12e83:disqus Waiting is Thursday's best album? Stop day-drinking.

EDIT: These aren't the droids you're looking for.

Awesome band. Incredible live, too.

"Below is a funny video. Before you get to the funny video, you will read this entire paragraph which describes every possible point of humor contained in said funny video. Now you have read a dry recounting of what is actually a very funny video, likely making you less interested in actually watching the funny video.

"Tiger trouble? Better pick Rick!"

I wish the TV Club covered Monday Night Raw. So much interesting stuff could be written about that program on here. (In the meantime, I recommend Brandon Stroud's recaps at withleather.com—that dude is the best WWE writer on the internet, in my opinion.)

Masked Intruder > Dawes

Of course it was vinyl. I still have my vinyl copy of "Cut Carefully And Play Loud" I bought a number of years ago that I've been too queasy to, uh, cut carefully and play loud.

I found a sealed copy of RFTC's "Scream Dracula Scream" at the record store this weekend for only $25. Pretty stoked on that! Great band; can't wait to see 'em at Riot Fest.

Still Dan.

"Don't think of me as your dad; think of us as two fraternity brothers who are also sharing the same mom/wife."