
Ethan Frome is pretty boring, but at 128 pages it's hardly interminable. I remember my teacher explaining that she included it on the syllabus just because it was relatively short.

I also enjoyed the fact that apparently she doesn't age. What a beautiful woman.

Yeah, that word "submit" is key to Satan's character.  He continually associates obedience to God and the Son as a sign of weakness, which in Milton's theology is completely flawed thinking.  Loving God is the highest ideal one can ascribe to.  Satan just can't abide it, and it's hard to blame him.  God in PL is

Wow…I'm surprised by the response here.  To me that was easily the worst episode of the season.  Every plotline seemed forced and, worse, dull.  Two weeks ago Rick couldn't look Lori in the face…now he has this massive mental breakdown over her death? Shouldn't he be more jaded by now?

Wow…I'm surprised by the response here.  To me that was easily the worst episode of the season.  Every plotline seemed forced and, worse, dull.  Two weeks ago Rick couldn't look Lori in the face…now he has this massive mental breakdown over her death? Shouldn't he be more jaded by now?

Best three-episode arc since "Heart of Archness."

Best three-episode arc since "Heart of Archness."

Sorry if someone has already asked this, but what happened with Jon Snow's direwolf?  Where did it go?  What's the use of having one if it won't protect you from wildlings/snuggle with you for warmth?

I think he said "sangrita."  Still hilarious.

A B+, seriously?  This was the worst episode in a while.  Maybe ever.  C- at best, and that's only because Dale is dead.

Did anyone catch what Pam said to Archer before they went into the bathroom stall?