Mambo Dogface

Quit denying the horrors of 20th C. Germany!

Perhaps you don't give a damn about the Hoff, or your generation doesn't care twenty years after the fact, but he was big at one time there. His records have sold millions worldwide, mostly there and in Switzerland. This is anecdotal, but every German I have met, when asked, shook their heads and said their parents

Beyond the host, I thought it was very interesting that every sketch (if I recall) was anchored by women and non-whites. The white men were quite marginal. Perhaps it was because the horde of white guys are mostly new and haven't earned the screen time, but then, that hasn't kept them off-screen in previous weeks. I'm

"Oof. I’m a sensitive ducky, I’ll admit…" - A person paid money to write about comedy.

That's "The Adventures of Frotteur," a children's show that has had a hard time getting distribution in the States.

"Before I die, I'm gonna fuck me a fish."

I flinch every time someone misuses "deconstruction" to mean something like "analyze" or "think." A minor problem, but it still bugs the hell out of me.

Hey, I might have dropped some snark above, but leave Hegel and Marx out of it. Sartre, however,can go screw.

To open - Yes, I was being a dick. I apologize for that.

And perhaps you should have read your Adorno a bit more closely. In "Commitment" he explicitly warns against those who would make politically commited art, since in this age of near-universal instrumentality, the demand that art be instrumental to politics is to kill one of the few zones of freedom left. To make art

He made a joke, arguably in poor taste, so you sincerely wish a heinous violation upon him. You know, because he trivialized the horror of sexual violence. Unlike you.

Exactly right. It's bizarre that the readers of the AV Club, which is absolutely thick with ironists, Community fans and comedy fans generally, can't recognize that this was ironic, comic exaggeration.

That's an accurate analysis. It is also the same one that Harmon has given of himself and why he was fired.

What's the rumpus, Johnny?

An important assumption shared by Ms. Guendelsberger and others in this thread is that humor is essentially subjective and non-rational. Therefore, there two options when speaking about humor are (a) list subjective responses ("I laughed! I didn't laugh!") that are not particularly interesting or (b) relate it to

That's a fair response, in general. But I'm not demanding that all the reviews focus purely on comedic merit. I am arguing that a website that spends so much time on comedy should not include reviews that focus exclusively on things that have nothing to do with comedy. If a critic is reviewing a comedy, then the

You are free to find discussions of comedy uninteresting. If you believe that humor it is just a subjective, non-rational response, then I suppose that there is not much to talk about. Similarly, people claim that the same is true for all art and there is not much point in analyzing it, since it boils down to "I know

I find the show extremely funny and was ticked by the cancellation; more so than any of the other shows this season.

How to critique humor:

Sometimes you just have to whip your finger out and show'em who's boss.