Mambo Dogface

No, you're not allowed to move the goalposts. Your claim was that seeing your male friends naked is "perfectly normal", indicating that it is something common or typical, and that the only reason it would not be common was that the guys are panicked at the idea of someone being gay. You do not get to change that to "a

Yes, the only rational explanation why I have not seen my male friends naked is gay panic. By casually accusing most men of homophobia, you sir, have nailed it.

Thank you. I was trying like hell to find the joke in "motion to precede" and finally settled on ignorance as the simplest explanation.

I once heard that he raped and killed a girl in 1990.

There is nothing inconsistent between these two propositions:


Here comes Mr. Meatloaf!

I too am upset by the happiness of others.

I can assure you that no one has ever willingly left their children alone with Rob Schneider.

Final Cut? Insomnia? One Hour Photo? The Fisher King? That episode of Louie?

I went to see this for the first time the other day at the theater. I had never seen it before, but I had heard of Godzilla-as-metaphor-for-the-A-Bomb. I was amazed by how thick the barely-metaphor was slathered on. I think you are correct that it is not a simple story of foreign horror and the film elevates the

Looking at this schedule, the only show that have any appeal to me at
all are Constantine and Marry Me. For a network that has been the home
for my favorite shows for twenty years, that feels surreal.

The Devil needs a jean jacket because he is starting a new rock and roll band. They call themselves The Noodles—you know, Bad Company, early T-Rex, that kind of thing—and he needs something to wear on stage.

I haven't had any real problems, but I have typically taught at liberal arts colleges in the northeast. I have had to take the side of (social) conservatives to make them reflect on their liberalism / libertarianism and consider the strongest arguments on the other side.

Well, to be fair, I do deserve it. What with my classes in critical thinking and all.

As a smug atheist professor, I am dismayed to learn that the forces of Christ have finally wised up to the existence of people like myself. I await my righteous punching by the fist of the Creator, preferably played by John Cena.

According to Daly, they did not put it on the shelf due to indifference. Instead, they had to delay so they could have the advertising budget to really promote it. He claims they have been behind the show from the beginning, which is reason for optimism.

The box under Ed Gein's bed?

I have a hard time believing you reached the numbers row.

"Dean with it," Neckbeard. You were so close.