Mambo Dogface

Actually, you might be on to something, though Applegate's character is named "Reagan," not "Regan." Maybe I'm just reacting to the explosion in the use of Reagan for girls in the last few years. It's really disturbing.

a. I refuse to believe anyone named their daughter "Reagan" in 1975, and the stats back me up.
b. I refuse to believe that two liberal intellectual psychologists did.
c. If you name your daughter "Reagan," you have failed as a parent.

Shhh. Just go into the light. Your dead pets are waiting for you.

You artfully avoiding giving any indication of what those elements are, or what exactly the purpose of television is. I'm just going to infer that the elements do not include "skilled acting," "a hint of subtext" or "compelling narratives." And that the purpose of television is "to ease old people into the sweet

Like hell to you do. I've been playing the long game and now it is time to reap my reward. Here's a hint: first, I made sure she has no idea who I am…

Is the asterisk because she was on the juice?

I look forward to the day that I have the wisdom to see through all the bullshit like you do.

No. What do you mean?

In such endeavors, "back end" refers to a share of the profits after the enterprise has been concluded. As in, "Tom Cruise took a reduced salary on Mission Impossible 4 in exchange for a cut of the back end."

Is it that Halloween episodes are inherently lazy? Because, once that is set aside, Community's multiple perspective, sharply and densely written version was far from lazy. If it is, then everything else on television is catatonic.

I think it was that Jim has an established aversion to dressing up for Halloween. He usually half-asses it as "Three Hole Punch Jim" and so on. There was also an episode in which Pam implored him to dress up as Popeye.

You are a very interesting person.

At what point were sitcoms obliged to make a "significant statement about class distinctions"? Why is that a criterion of critical evaluation rather than—and I'm being controversial here—whether it was funny?

I was thinking the exact same thing. It was ham-fisted "gotcha!" to Gloria Steinem decades after she wrote "A Bunny's Tale" that they weren't even competent enough to make good-bad.

Apparently, the Sunday animated shows will appear 8 days after the original airing. Not optimal, but there doesn't appear to be a fee to see them.

You are a rambling, angry old man.

Actually, he is not ripping off Ferrell's Carey, but reprising the imitation of Tony Bennett which he has done for years. Admittedly, he playing is an old icon saying crazy sh*t, but that's not Ferrell's exclusive domain.