
I want to comment but I am afraid of what IV might say to me.

I have a script with Thomas and Branson getting it on in my drawer, Mr. Fellowes.

Nixon was a terrible retail politician. Everyone knows that.

You never read it.

My favourite is Cooldige. And he was hilarious.

Actually, I meant Nell Carter. She treated that Joey Lawrence horribly.

A lot of people who live off-grid have these types of toilets. Gray water is treated and used to water plants, then recaptured and treated again. Black water is put in a type of cistern that also holds organic food waste, etc. The resultant waste gases from anaerobic bacteria then either runs a generator or is used

I believe Buchanan is considered the worst. WHH is not considered by historians in rankings due to his length of tenure.

TBF, I neither hug for shit nor receive hugs well. I am a mean handshaker, I cannot hug.

And Burlington. Hobos lay about Church St. like that scene in Gone with the Wind. At eight o'clock, they amble around like extras in The Walking Dead waiting for the library to open so they can watch Internet porn and take naps in air conditioning. Some rush to Starbucks to drink the Half 'n' Half in the jugs. They

Just so we're clear, I don't believe in cultural appropriation at all. All art from the beginning of time is the result of cultural appropriation. Music especially uses other thematic devices, instruments, tempi. I think it is White Nonsense and is made to separate rather than unite.

Thanks for that, but I must protest one thing (and at the AV Club, protesting one thing is rare):

I figured the headline was about large hairy gay men with facial hair.

I expect to hear many accusations, complaints, etc., on here but a nudist ?!?

Shh. Don't mention how glue is made…

Who's gonna ride your wild horses?

I do love foie gras, but I am pretentious (and French-speaking).

You're just a flack for the Horse-Industrial Complex, Mr. Evil Pang!

The Dust Brothers produced that hit. I still kind of wonder how that came to be.