
Aww, nuts. I'd love to read that but it is $70 on the Hamazon. I like George Martin more than I do The Beatles.

That is true in one sense: Rock 'n' Roll used to be a music of rebellion. It was anti-establishment, disruptive. It caused trouble.

That's a great argument. I never considered that. I felt Pet Sounds was better because there was less engineering going on.

I'm sorry to come so late to this discussion, much like George and Aretha, I knew you were waiting for me.

What are the odds of two people using "apogee" in the same comments section?

I have been an admirer of IV for years and I feel terribly now, having asked a question.

This show toppled two seasons ago, but those seasons were at least fun. This season is like having Jennifer Westfeldt as the writer and the showrunner.

There are people you feel "get" being in this and he is one. Like how Gina Gershon understood how to play it in Showgirls. This should be like a drag queen review if everyone was in a K-hole. Instead, it is like summer stock auditions and everyone is doing the Quality of Mercy soliloquy.

In fairness, Kevin Spacey did force us to listen to him sing when his star hit apogee.

Worse, he'd play audio books while doing it.

Airports do work that way if one is flying private.

Everyone is saying television is cinematic. I feel like television is more literary now. The shows are so intricate and can move forward and backwards. Some shows take advantage of the fact that our screens are 16 x 9 now, but FWIW, I don't see too much of a change. I think it is still pretty on-the-nose. Some of this

Oh, good gravy, Hamilton was awful.

You and I are opposites. I consider film a visual medium and dialogue secondary. Dialogue should be contrapunctal to the visuals. One should be able to understand the story if the dialogue track were removed.

Perhaps they are the reason he's seen it four times.

I completely understand why you say that, but I love the film. Actually, my biggest complaint is the score, which is tinny and shrill and takes one out of the picture. I think it is a lovely fever dream and would have been better served with the score from Hiroshima, Mon Amour.

I used to watch the old Iron Chef back in the day. I was always curious why they called lobster "homard lobster". "Homard" is French for "lobster", thus they were saying "lobster lobster".

Why was "Manos" The Hands Of Fate noted as sic erat scriptum?

Seeing Campbell Scott just makes me want to watch The Spanish Prisoner. God, I love that movie.