
Minor correction: "…pressing their be-churro-ed faces…"

How dare you?!?

I'm with you. I saw the opening a few years ago and was angry they changed it to CGI. There was just something about that original opening.

I remember Doris Belack in the Wausau Insurance commercials during 60 Minutes back in the 1970s. They were all built around mispronouncing "Wausau". I cannot find them on the YouTube, alas.

Wow, I completely forgot about that locution. And it was so commonplace when I was a kid. Grandma watched "her stories". So did Mom. It was a very common phrase.

I have the free Shout! Factory channel on my Roku. It isn't bad. You get a lot of Dick Cavett interviews, though I wish they had more from the original run and not so many from the later incarnations. There is something fun about the original show and the band is one of the best. (I recall somewhere that Jimi Hendrix

I liked the crew hammering nails with Emmys.

I think that's how she paid for her Mercedes.

I am a junkie for the Emmy TV Legends page. The interviews are rather hardcore and are definitely in the "for those who care" category. For instance, you get close to three hours with George Carlin but it is about his life and television. And while he is occasionally funny, you don't get bits.

I was a hoo-hoo and sent an email to him and just got a response. He was pretty funny about it and made the correction. I bet it is a result of spell check software. That makes sense for "Homestead" but not for "Halstead".

It's interesting you said The Thing. I thought it was more And Then There Were None.

I've never seen them for the simple fact that while I enjoyed the novels a great deal, I could not stand Salander. I literally hated her. It is actually a testament to Larsson that he could write a character I so despised. So the thought of having to watch a movie with her was just too much.

Right? He makes errors like that a lot and then someone must write in and it is corrected. I figured it would have been changed by now.

Oh… my… gawd… I forgot about that.

You can't win anymore. Good Lord. Everyone is a freakin' expert nowadays.

The Ennio Morricone score helped immensely. I'd argue that everything about that movie except Brian DiPalma made that movie wonderful.

Aw, damn. I forgot my Home Alone joke. Glad you got it in there. (Though I think I might have copped it from Honest Trailers.)

Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I hope you have seen The Night of the Hunter. Mitchum scares the ever-lovin' shit out of me in that film.

Has anyone seen or knows where one can find Viktor und Viktoria? I've always been curious as I love the Julie Andrews remake.