
When I was a kid and would watch this, I'd be like, "Woo hoo, McMurphy. Woo! Pass the bong! Freedom! Woo hoo. McSmurphy!"

My property taxes feel otherwise.

Is it?

I am sure someone said this already but I am going to revisit it. I have the 5th Generation Kindle and a Kindle Fire HDX. I never, ever turn the WiFi on the old (eInk) Kindle. I download everything from the library through USB. And it never goes away.

Don't get your antebellum facial hair stuck in the strings when you're tuning up.

Well, I am sure he was an expert way before he was a Hipster.

They need to stop with the food articles. Hipster laments about tarting up pre-packaged foods are best left to the experts.

Yeah, Downton Abbey addressed that when they got a telephone.

Season 3 was kneecapped by the network. They did the best they could with what little they had. The only reason they stood behind the show as long as they did was Ron Howard has power and it ticked off all of Whitey's boxes: an Emmy, critical approbation, low-ratings, long-winded opinion pieces in Whitey's favorite

You mean Club Sauce.

Does HBO Go show the same shows as HBO Now?

I will send you a case of whatever you're drinking.

We do not believe in the other Phoenix.

The headline is poorly written.

Great article, thank you. I had no idea the machinations they went through to make sure the show was only about skill.

It's literally the Criterion Collection and that's it. Unfortunately, besides announcing it, there is little info otherwise. I know Criterion is leaving the Hulu in November, but beyond that nothing.

One reason Paul Hollywood wouldn't fare well in the US version alone is his name. Though it is a right-ol'-proper British name, to Americans it sounds like a douchebag reject from Entourage or Swingers.

Yeah, Mary is of the generation that has a near-reverence for the BBC. It was such an important part of their lives. And it was so damned British. I mean, you hear old-timers complain that the Received Pronunciation is no longer used. It was quite a thing back in the day. I don't think there is a comparison in the

Yeah, one would think they'd be a bit more forthcoming about it. I wonder if it has to do with licensing issues. They implied you'd get the entire collection as well as the commentaries and special features.

I have been watching the show backwards. I accidentally discovered it on the Netflix and binged that one in a day. Then I caught another season on the PBS app on my Roku. Now I am just streaming it off one of those sites where your popup blockers go crazy.