
Are you out of your mind?

It is important for the industry to continually pat itself on the back and remind us all that they are the moral and intellectual center of this land, even moreso than New York City.

First of all impeachment is a political cudgel, it is not a criminal process.

Now don't be didactic.

Yes. Yes they are.

That's more Tom Lehrer.

To be fair, I did say "harbors feelings". I don't think she'll wake up one day and realize she has it for Richard (not while Jared walks this earth, c'mon).

And it's pronounced like the eel. That is what bothered me in the scene.

Patent is one thing but defending the patent is the hard part. And the court system usually finds in favor of Big Business, if my facile viewing of the History Channel has been of any use.

Aren't you obligated to perform that on piano as a clever ditty?

I get it. As someone who knows nothing about this industry, I knew when Richard, et al, sent it to their peers and got positive feedback it was bad news. They were engineers and everyone knows that if they think it's great, it is probably difficult to intuit.

This is America, baby. You can sue for hurt feelings.

I was thinking the same because they keep cutting to him desperately trying to get everyone to notice.

My favorite is his deadpan in the movie Adventureland:

Aww, c'mon, I hear both of ya. Listen, I am a major Cold War nut and I'll find an error in shows like The Americans or Deutschland 83 and just go berserk because they went through so much effort over verisimilitude.

I believe, and let me repeat that I believe, for all you pachyderm nuts out there, that only males have tusks.

You're not putting it in terms they would understand.

I am a firm believer in cole slaw on sandwiches. Especially on a Reuben in lieu of sauerkraut. I realize some call that a Rachel (or is that with turkey?) but whatever.

Who knows. I have little faith in the court system.

Becky Martin directed. She did a ton of episodes of the oh-so-awesome Peep Show.