
It's not the People's Republic of Vermont for naught.

I lived in VT and it is the same thing. I get what you are saying, but having lived in towns where no one locks doors and everyone knows each other, I'd be surprised if the disbelief in their fellow man would cause a camera to be installed.

Don't forget the people who write consumer protection laws are lobbyists for the credit industries. They are not written from an advocacy standpoint.

The simple answer is they are amoral thugs.

As a poker player, I am familiar with a W2-G.

We have a Bingo!

The simple answer is most people don't know the law, often have inferior educations, and are economically disadvantaged. When companies threaten legal action, garnishment of wages, repossession with official-looking correspondences, harassment at work and at home, and other illegal means, people will cough up the loot.

What is interesting is that if the debtor accedes and signs off saying they are not paying the debt and it is forgiven, it "becomes" valuable.

I agree. Engineers appreciating something does not mean it will be easy or intuitive to use (unless Oxo designed it).

I have to admit, I read the reviews more to see their confirmation biases in action. It is like how I read Nathan Rabin's reviews to measure how long he takes to get a Reagan put-down into the review.

What I find odd is I am in love with Jared on the show. But if I dated him in real life, I'd probably treat him terribly.

The US no longer follows Common Law, only statutory, and then barely that.

I'm pretty sure you've never been to New Hampshire. That bowling alley does not have security cameras.

He isn't taught in college. His writing doesn't fit in with the usual Marxist dialectic.

You can imagine the problems "rapier" would cause with the Academie française.

I was 25 when the movie came out, as did I. Being a homosexual, I could not resist the siren song of these wives first (ah, the post-positive adjective… so rare in English).

I didn't write it.

Dip my nuts in sweet cream and lay me down in a kitchen full of kittens, I'm in love.

I had always wanted a Samuel L. Jackson GPS.

Kathleen Turner.