
I thought South Korea had the fastest broadband.

I have a crush on him. I hear ya.

I agree with some of you and others I do not agree with as much. A few of you are right and many of you do not know what you are talking about. I think some of you ought to take time before you post. Others are witty off-the-cuff.

His haircut was pretty good too.

I'd do Dan in a New York minute.

Well, he did not start the fire as it had been always turning since the world has been burning.

How is this story about audio or visuals?

A preponderance of McDonald's restaurants in the US are franchises. Granted some are owned by holding companies, etc., but a lot are owned by people who saved money and opened one for a piece of the American dream. Their margins are ridiculously small, between 1-4%. Considering the regulatory burden, the new Dept. of

And we're not even factoring in the teaser and the opening credits, which add about 15-20 minutes to a Bond flick and are often unrelated to the film itself. Also, end credits are far longer but few people stick around for that.

Yeah, Art Fleming was on that show for years and could genuinely be associated with the show. But Fleming's main run was as a daytime show, much as Chuck Woolery and Susan Stafford's five-year stint.

Goldfinger is about an hour and forty-five minutes.

Roger Moore used to joke on press junkets that his most difficult dangerous stunt was falling off of his wallet.

Mine is from the Holy See.

Marian Anderson.

Pam Grier is Blannie!

Jesus, it took me an hour to get that response.

@typical_user:disqus @LeaveTheBronx:disqus - I'm pickin' up what you're both puttin' down. That is a very good point.

Same thing happened when Renée Zellweger was in Bridget Jones's Diary. They were astounded her accent was so good. In this case, they obviously were aware she of Mandarin derivation.

I know I don't want Hiddleston. I don't want Hardy. I don't want Elba.

Oh that movie was so dull after a ridiculously exciting opening sequence. Once I heard that song which sounded like a yodeler with his balls caught in a vise, I knew we were in trouble.