
The passing of George Kennedy will leave a gaping hole in that little disaster drama.

The memory of the verdict for me was Dominick Dunne's mouth open so wide in disbelief that they acquitted. I didn't know his daughter had been murdered. But he could not believe it. No one could.

I was astonished to read in Toobin's book that O.J. was nearly illiterate and possibly mentally challenged.

You can't win with lists like this but I would like to add two to the mix:

I watched the trial, the whole trial; my friend and I did. Watching this series now, I am shocked at how we really treated it like a show and not a trial where a woman was nearly decapitated and mankind exacted revenge upon an L.A. waiter. We sat there bitching about Clark's hair and spending hours wondering aloud why

Yes, they did. Though I forget if it was in Toobin's book or not. His was the only OJ book I read.

I was surprised it was not the straight hair she later had. During the actual trial, she debuted the new hair and got applause and replied, "Get a life."

I know, right? My friend and I spent the winter watching that damned trial, passing the bong back and forth, and digging Greta van Susteren (who was new back then) ripping Judge Ito a new ass on CNN (she was apoplectic over his lack of control). How can this show be good? We know what happened. I read the book. (For

This is not the work of a cook.

Just winded.

Have you ever sautéed some lemongrass and garlic, maybe added a little broth and wilted a lot of kale? Perhaps made some wild rice with it? Sprinkled sunflower seeds into the whole mix? Maybe added some more broth to finish it and then topped it with a little piece of baked fish?

I'd like to see Nathan Rabin take a whack at the review just to see how in Hell he gets a disparaging comment about Ronald Reagan in it.

I just hope Leo gets his Oscar® and says, "Now I know the answer to, 'Whom do you have to screw to get an Oscar® in this damned town?' the answer, of course, is a bear."

I have read the book, actually I read it again a few months ago because my local PBS station showed the film on a rainy Saturday night. I have loved it since high school when it was assigned my sophomore year. It holds up well.

"Bad manners, Mr. Boray, the infallible sign of talent."

Lord Grantham's vomiting blood is really his being an audience surrogate for the inane writing and plotting we've endured since the death of the gormless Matthew Crawley. Even Hugh Bonneville could not take it anymore and had to purge himself. It was an ad libbed moment and kudos to the cast for not breaking the

I like David Bowie. Does that count?

I disagree. I never liked this album.

I liked what you have to say (this is the first time I am reading comments for an episode) and it did give focus to some contradictory elements on the show that I may have felt but did not articulate.

First of all, thank you for finally posting a review for this episode. I must confess to going a little batty waiting. I know this says more about my present existence than I care to admit.