
I actually do not know a lot of people who like Mad Men either, which I find totally baffling.

The only reason I do not watch Dr. Who is because it has been on since the Victorian Era. It is like Dark Shadows; I'd like to watch it but there are 500 episodes. Who has the time?

When I grew up, that awful Happy Days was all the rage. It had the odious Richie, to whom I was always compared.

I love Mad Men, but your rationale for disliking it is awesome.

I never got into this. A friend loaned me her DVDs back in 2005 and she had an opinion I could trust. I couldn't get into Filion's ersatz Han Solo nonsense. The Hooker with the heart of gold nonsense has been worked to death. I don't approve of redheads (I have red hair and do not approve of it).

Even Trent Reznor feels Johnny Cash's version is definitive.

I am with you. I just wait for his rant and then leave the movie.

Love the movie and meow and meow.

Coincidentally, I was unable to sleep and I did one of those Aw What The Hell clicks on Netflix when it was streaming. Al Pacino and Robin Williams shit the bed years ago for me, but I figured Christopher Nolan might keep things in line.

Roger Deakins has been nominated nine times. How he did not win for Skyfall is still paining me even more than that boob Seth McFarlane did. I mean, the movie itself is Who Farted, but it was the most beautifully photographed (was it even shot on film?) movie of the year. Hands down.

I haven't read the comments, so forgive me if I am repeating, but my trailer park upbringing would be wasted if I didn't mention this.

Tell this asshole to put some freakin' shoes on.

Heath Ledger had talent and was hot.

It is my contention he died not from an overdose but from finally sitting down and watching that odious show.

I was a banquet waiter for a preponderance of my college career and I have had to endure "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" (and, incidentally, "The Electric Slide") more than any one man should. Every freakin' wedding. Every one. I am not exaggerating.

Melissa McCarthy is in it also.

There is no such things as required reading for all gay men. And I'd argue that reading Vidal, Isherwood, Wilde, Williams, Capote, de Sade, and Maupin are more required than a polemic. I also like K.M. Soehnlein's The World of Normal Boys. But Augusten Burroughs just makes me ill, much in the same way Bill Clegg's

I was not one of those people who liked Brokeback Moment, a.k.a. Oklahomo!. And here is why: first, you had to deal with Whitey patting himself on the back for making a "legitimate" movie about the homosexuality with actors who have SAG cards. Hollywood is in it for money. The thought of Heath and Jake gettin' it on

I only liked Smiley Face. I kept watching Mysterious Skin and saying to myself, "Why? Why am I watching this horrible tale?"

That movie was indeed awful, but his rendition of "The Clap" wasn't terrible and at certain moments was even a toe-tapper.