
I watched the whole thing over two days. First of all, I loved the UK show. And I love the Washington genre. So this was a win-win in my book. Add to it Kevin Spacey's hammy performance and it was a winner for me. And while I agree the show wasn't particularly daring or innovative, it was a solid drama in the vein of D

I have to admit, once DVR kicked in, I became a binge-viewer. I recorded everything and watched it all day on Sunday. It helped that back then I usually had a hangover on Sunday. Then I moved and decided cable and satellite was a waste of money, so I became a library fan. And that is where I discovered hardcore binge

I loved that he pulled out a flask. Then Bruce Willis asks for a swig. Awesome.

Continuity error on Darrin losing his shoe. It appears in a cutaway during the closing narration.

You are right, studios have been gaming the Oscars for years. A good example is Pulp Fiction. Travolta was nominated for lead and Jackson for supporting. But the opposite was true. Jackson's character went through an arc and he changed at the end. Travolta stayed the same. Traditionally, if a character has an arc,

The fact that this movie got made is a miracle. There were like seven screenwriters and three directors.

(They Long to Be) Close to You because I love Bacharach-David tuned and Karen Carpenter had a voice like maple syrup singing.

Yes, and that is fine. I didn't like most of the films he directed.

"How's the peepin'? How's the peepin'?"

Aww, I've done it. You get a glass of wine or two in ya and you only scanned the posts a little. Especially when you get FOS because someone went on a rant. At least Scrawler wasn't bein' a hoo-hoo.

I don't think it is terribly unusual. After all, Citizen Kane opens with the News on the March sequence outlining Kane's life.

This seriously one of Spielberg's best films. Even though there are Daddy Issues thrown in, for once it is organic to the script. It has a rare John Williams score which is actually enjoyable. A great Saul Bass-like opening sequence. And everyone just brings their A-game. Snappy pacing, great second stringers, a fun

I recall her in an awful movie called Moving Violations. I recall little about it, save it was on HBO in the 80s, Clara Peller just screamed out some lines, and Nedra Volz (another maid on Diff'rent Strokes) sat in a urinal and claimed her back was wet.

I had watched the UK House of Cards and loved it until that saturation point where they just kept going and going and going with it. By The Final Cut you were happy to see Urquhart get his.

I didn't like most kids' shows when I was from, say two to five. I didn't like Electric Company (I'd just wait for the song and leave). I watched Sesame Street, but I didn't like it. (Remember when there were three channels and you'd watch something you hated?) I didn't like Zoom.

I did not like this show. The puppets creeped me out and I found Mr. Rogers to be odd. I didn't like that. I was a precocious child and was unused to an adult speaking to me in a tone like that.

I love that Tracy's dad had Newports.

I do not believe in pure capitalism owning the public airwaves. This is an area where I believe government intervention is necessary. The 1996 deregulation was the death's knell to independent music and their retail outlets.

I once read that his portrayal of Claus von Bulow was like "Cary Grant as played by Boris Karloff".

Even Pumped Up Kicks was not a naturally occurring phenomenon. All songs are approved ex cathedra.