Hubert J. Simpson

Smart cops were valuable when you needed them to deescalate confrontations with civilians. Because escalation meant pulling a gun and killing a guy. Now? Pull a tazer. Any retard can do that. And they do. Every day. And if you're in New York, escalation is preferred with people of color.

Looks more like "baja blanket" pattern with the gradient than Mork's rainbow suspenders.

Well, true for hipsters. But there's a very committed 20th-century-revival subculture that goes way beyond clothes and music. I couldn't imagine any character from Girls hanging out at a meetup with these guys.

@avclub-650791898dd05ac4d665569d95c8ba08:disqus She's pretty hot for a shoggoth. And the guy with the protuberant eyes is her Deep One handler?

Close! Electric bass guitar.

They rocked when I saw them (22 years ago)

Definitely down in a hole.

Ma Staley likes this

"Cute story—"

"I can't help it! I'm scared of Negroes! (sob!!!!!!!!!!)"

Another day, another assassination. Doo-dee-doo-dee-doo.


"Cable can treat smart television with the respect it deserves."

I… don't.

The case-of-the-week lameness and the soap-opera plot of Jack lying to Mia Rizzo about killing her dad were really low points of the show.

"You thought I was AMC. LOL!"

"Southland TNT" Google alert… deleted

"Off color?! Lady! I've been off colored girls for six weeks! LOL!!!!!"

Secret Garden > Little Princess

I laughed my ass off. Can't say that about many episodes this season.